Reform the Narrative

Voting 101

Written by Glynis O'Meara
Why Should I Vote?
I don’t want to vote because…
“I’m not very political”
“My vote doesn’t matter”
How do I Vote

a. Absentee voting: You can have a ballot mailed directly to your home, where you can fill it out and mail it back to your town hall or bring it back to town hall by hand. Find your state’s deadlines to request a ballot here. If you chose to mail your ballot back, the USPS recommends putting it in the mail at least ONE WEEK before election day to allow it time to arrive. Request a mail-in ballot below:

b. Election Day: You can also go to your polling place on election day to cast your ballot (and get a sticker!). Find your polling place here, check the voting hours in your state, and make your voting plan. Will you go before or after work? Can you get there on your own, or will you need to figure out a ride? Does your state require you to bring photo identification to vote? Find out here.

What if I can’t vote?